Window is a collaborative film project created by the Artist Film Workshop collective, featuring contributions by a selection of Australian and international filmmakers. Window was made in response to the first Australia-wide COVID-19 related lockdown in 2020.

Taking inspiration from Hitchcock’s Rear Window, each filmmaker contributed one roll of black and white celluloid film shot through a window of their house, documenting the visual aspects particular to their confinement. Together, these films form a portrait of domestic isolation, collectively examining the cinematic potential of the contemporary social order. Window is the first AFW project to be presented exclusively online.

Window is comprised of 17 discreet works, including individual contributions (where a filmmaker has edited and soundtracked their own film), as well as larger pieces where multiple filmmakers have relinquished control of their individual footage to a shared, collaborative edit. Allowing for a more democratic way of working, this method unlocks unexpected and imaginative expressions that otherwise may never have materialised otherwise.


Contributing filmmakers:
Ursula Woods, Sabina Maselli, Hanna Chetwin, Callum Ross-Thompson, Dianna Barrie, Richard Touhy, Zi Yun Lam, Jordan Dautovic, Ryszard Dabek, Tuff Guts, Lisa Theiler, Patrick Hoy, Lucas Haynes, Rowena Crowe, Giles Fielke, Antoni Rudnicki, Ilona Schneider, Melody Woodnut, Louise Curham, Veronica Charmont.

Contributing edits:
Ursula Woods with sound by Jethro Pickett

Thanks to
Nanolab for film processing and Memory Lab for digitising the films.

This project was supported by City of Melbourne